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Sunday, May 10, 2015


1.  The spirit leaves the body.  This is physical death, often referred to as the first death.  It is the only one that a believer has to experience.  When the bible talks about the second death it is the final eternal banishment from the presence of the Lord that is the punishment for the wicked unsaved.  (See #10)

2.  The body returns to the dust; and the spirit of the saved returns to the presence of the Lord.  II Cor 5:6 and 8; Gen. 3:19

3.  In the presence of the Lord, the spirit remains until the time of the rapture. - I Thess. 4:13-17
The spirit of the unsaved goes into torment and hell and there remains until the final judgment (read #10)

4.  At the time of the Rapture, the ‘dead in Christ shall rise first.’  That is, the body shall be called from the grave (see #6).  I Thessalonians 4:13-17

5.  The departed spirit that has been with the Lord shall be brought to the middle of the air and there body and spirit shall be re-united. I Thessalonians 4:13-17

6.  Not as the body deposited into the earth, but as a new glorious body.  I Cor. 15:35- particularly vv.  49 and 52; Phil 3:20.  How does a glorious body look?  I John 3:2

7.  The Lord takes us to be in his presence forever until He prepares the new earth for eternal dwelling by the righteous.  Revelations 21:1-8

However, before we reign on the new earth, the following takes place in the earth

8.  The Great Tribulation: Rev. 4 - 19:  Judgment upon the earth of those who rejected Jesus.

9.  The saints resurrection in Rev. 20:4 are those who have been saved and slain during the resurrection.

10.  The resurrection and the final judgment of the wicked dead from all periods of history - Rev. 20:11 

11.  The earth is scorched and cleansed.  II Peter 3:10-13

12.  After the present earth is dissolved, God will establish the new heaven and new earth that John talks about in Rev. 21.

13.  This is eternal life in the place with many mansions that Jesus talked about in John 14.  It’s where the people of God live forever